
dissatisfying imbalance

Initially I was thrilled to figure out how to post pictures. Now, I’m not sure it’s not both a blessing and a curse. I’ll elaborate.

Since posting pics, yes, I agree that it has added a new dimension to my blog . . . maybe gained a few more viewers . . . certainly a few additional comments, but at what cost?

One thing that I liked about my blog pre-pictures was that it aired out my thoughts. It highlighted some cool things about life that I don’t always notice. It was a written explanation of how God let me see things differently or notice him in things or enjoy things i normally look right past.
There’s not much of that now. Just pictures with shallow narrative.

Color substituted for content.

I’m not sure how I feel about it.

Correction; I am sure how I feel about it. I don’t like it one little bit. Pictures – while delightfully fun to post and look at and preserve memories I otherwise wouldn’t – can’t replace musings.

I admit, this is my fault. Picture posting has made me lazy. I still have weighty thoughts; it's just easier and faster to post pics than try to hammer out ideas into words. There are plenty of people that have mastered the art of combining both pictures and thought for a more complete and well-balanced blog. I have not.

This is my new quest. Narrative that is depthy, yet not so long that I lose ½ my readers. Pictures that compliment, but don’t replace worthy words.

We’ll see how I do.


faith said...

I like your long lengthy posts! I agree with your idea that pictures make posts lazy. I can't wait to read more of your work.

sem said...

ah faith . . . i can always count on you to read the long ones. i've noticed - you are about the only one that does and comments. i know this. i recognize your consistency. so if only for you - and myself, of course - i hope to get back to the old blogging days. new comments soon . . .

Anna P said...

Sarah, I always enjoy your thoughts and read to the end even if I don't comment. (Too much time to wait for all the different pages needed to commen on dial-up. Not a good excuse, I know.) Being away from the 'Bury and life-long friends, and some shorter then that, pictures you post are a joy to my heart to at least see what you all are up to. BUT achieving that perfect balance is one I have yet to have in my blog. Keep the lenghty posts coming and the occasional pictures with shallow comments don't hurt every once in awhile.

Let me know what's up in your world!

Rachel Taylor said...

Who was complaining to Hayley for months about posting pictures? Hmm?

I like your idea Sarah. Pictures that compliment your thoughts. I do like reading your posts, but I appreciate seeing your beautiful face up on the computer screen too! =]

grey rose (they/them) said...

HEY!!! I read them!!! I guess i need to comment more!!! xo