
the law as a mirror

i was listening to a series on the 10 commandments on my way home from philadelphia. my friend becky (shout out!) copied them for me a year ago, and i'm still making my way thru them.

one of the messages was on the purpose of the Law. the following was quoted of d.g. barnhouse:

The law of God is like a mirror. The purpose of a mirror is to reveal that you face is dirty, but the purpose of a mirror is NOT to wash your face. When you look into a mirror and find that your face is dirty, you do not then reach to take the mirror off the wall and attempt to rub it on your face as a cleansing agent. The purpose of the mirror is to drive us to the water. This is how the Law helps us: not by saving us, but by showing us our need for a Savior.


faith said...

I love the way you think!

Sue said...

Commenting on three entries at once: I believe we definitely need people (Ecclesiastes--two are better than one, because when one falls, the other helps up--my paraphrase, and many other verses as you point out, so right on on that (as usual--I love reading what you write..)); number two:Luke wanted to ride in a hot air balloon while out west but it was just past the season so he missed that experience, but maybe some day! and three, love this one on the mirror/law--great!! Point me to the water, sister!