
everytime a family moves, a forest dies.

i wish you could see the piles and piles and PILES of packing paper that have accumulated in our house, garage, truck bed, etc. as a result of this move. it is seriously ridiculous.

this is what i dont get.

i will unpack a box: take an item out, unwrap it, throw the paper on the floor and do this over and over again until the box is empty. but then once i've unwrapped everything, i start to stuff the packing paper back in the box. that's the logical thing to do, right? rather than leave it all over the floor. and you assume that since all the paper was in the box to begin with (along with all the stuff you unwrapped) that the paper will fit back in the box with plenty of room left over.

oh no. you would be wrong. sometimes it doesn't fit. and if it does fit, it barely does and you have to squish the paper down as far as you can using all your arm muscles to get it in there.

what is wrong with this picture.

faith, maybe you can help me out with this one. i think it's a science thing. something about wasted space prolly.

so yeah, my hat's off to the poor trees that sacrificed their lives so that our family could move to colorado with all our goods in tact.

poor trees.


faith said...

I had to smile when I started reading this post because I knew where it was going. I have noticed that before and I have no clue why it works that way. As Mrs. Shelton would say, "Why don't we write a paper about it?" It could be my Master's Thesis. Haha.

faith said...

Oh and thanks for posting! It gives me something to look forward to every morning when I come into work. You and Anna are pretty faithful about updating your blogs. I know, once you get home you won't, but thanks for giving me something to read this last week or so. :) Woohoo!

kyrieanna said...

i think about those poor trees as well.
everyday at canvasback each employee (33) is given a checklist and every night (or day) after we check off everything on the list, we turn them in but i think it's such a waste of TREEES!

how much paper is that a week?
too much.

poor trees.

anna grace said...

You just won the best blogger award.


Save those trees!

Haha...too bad you don't know what I'm laughing about. :P

faith said...

what are you laughing about?